Delving into the Darkness

Delving into the darkness, where shadows twist and writhe,
A step beyond the threshold, a journey far from light.
The whispers of the void grew louder, filled with grief,
A world devoid of hope, where none could find relief.

Once, there was a spark of life, a flame that dared to burn,
But here, in this forgotten place, all flames refuse to return.
The walls of night drew closer still, their cold embrace suffused,
And in the pit of nothingness, my soul became unloosed.

Delving into the darkness, the air turned full of dread,
Each breath a hollow gasp, the weight of dreams long dead.
The earth beneath my feet felt cold, a tomb of silent stone,
The echoes of my footsteps—whispers of the unknown.

No cries were left to utter, no tear to break the gloom,
I merged with every shadow, a phantom of the vault.
The ground no longer held me firm, nor the sky above my head,
For in this void, I ceased to be—the living, now the dead.

Delving into the darkness, all senses were soon lost,
Time stretched into infinity at an unfathomable cost.
The shell that once embraced my warmth was now cold, fragile, racked,
The spirit that defined my being faded, lost, and sacked.

A figure of a forgotten entity, I wandered through the shade,
My name, my face, my history, all memories decayed.
The world beyond had faded, its contours out of sight,
And in this endless chasm, I vanished from the light.

Delving into the darkness until there’s nothing more,
A silhouette upon the void, unseen by any shore.
I am the night, the silence, the fear within your chest,
A remnant of a world erased, an eternal, restless guest.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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