Tag: Enigmas

  • In The Dark Of Shadows

    In The Dark Of Shadows

    In the dark of shadows, sadness wove its tale,
    Moonlight gleamed like silver through a misty veil,
    Obscure secrets fluttered underneath ancient trees,
    Where the wind’s lament echoed ghostly pleas.

    Silent shrieks reverberated in the night’s embrace,
    Clouds danced like phantoms in hidden places,
    Stars glinted like the eyes of spectres gone astray,
    Leading through the gloom, where forgotten pathways lay.

    The murmur of the river sang a sombre tune,
    Reflecting on broken mirrors beneath the haunted moon,
    Cloaked in night’s deep sorrow, the forest softly wept,
    For dreams hid abandoned, where the darkness crept.

    Through the tangled branches, memories entwined,
    Of souls who wandered restlessly through the sands of time,
    A shiver that enveloped murmurs of the past,
    Stories were left unspoken, and shadows were cast.

    In the dark of shadows, where time itself never died,
    Lost loves and broken promises haunted the midnight freeze,
    The ivy on the gravestones and rustles in the breeze,
    Revealing silent verses to the withered leaves.

    Beneath the pallid starlight, memories and regrets stood alone,
    In the heart of silence, where ancient sorrows groaned,
    Eyes that burned like embers in the cold and dark nights,
    Seeking solace in the whispers of the ghostly light.

    The darkness held a mirror to the soul’s deep well,
    Reflecting hidden fears in its shadowed spell,
    In the dark of shadows, truths were concealed,
    Of arcane sorrows and mysteries still sealed.

    So lingered in the twilight, where shadows wove and wended,
    Silence kept all the dark dreams,
    For in the heart of night, where shadows softly faded away,
    Enigmas hid beneath the eternal darkness.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Unveiled Dreams Of The Night

    The Unveiled Dreams Of The Night

    The unveiled dreams of the night,
    In the imperative silence and desolation,
    Gleamed an ephemeral light,
    Enlightening the vast abyss of nothingness.

    Whispered secrets were soft and slight,
    In shadows cast by starlit constellations,
    A firmament of luminaries, stitched tight,
    Against the cold embrace of emptiness.

    Through veils of time, they faded in flight,
    Their fragile forms defied all limitations,
    With wings of thought, they soared in the emptiness,
    Embracing dawn with ethereal grace and soulful tenderness.

    As morning broke, the dreams disappeared,
    Beyond the reach of mortal contemplation,
    Leaving a trace, a spark, a sight,
    A promise of eternal, boundless bliss.

    Through the realm where fantasies ruled,
    And imagination weaved in seamless manifestation,
    The unveiled dreams of the night, as destiny intended,
    Became the guiding stars of desires.

    In the oblivion where longings were lost,
    They ignited passions of bold determination,
    And from the depths where darkness descended,
    They rose a beacon of illumination.

    At every moment, their essence transcended,
    Through cycles of dreams’ transformation,
    In forbidden mazes where time halted,
    In realms untouched by mortal grasp.

    Across the vast expanse of infinite,
    Where dreams intertwined with illusions,
    They painted the canvas of deception and betrayal,
    In shadows cast by the echoes of their past.

    As promises lingered in the void,
    Tales of mystery and wonder were concealed,
    In the chronicles of fate and death,
    Far from every congenial idea.

    Through hallways of forgotten spheres,
    Where shadows weaved webs of forgotten lore,
    Ancient mysteries lingered in their sombre embrace,
    Time’s relentless march erased their trace.

    In the silent embrace of the eternal dimness,
    The unveiled dreams of the night found solace in their plight,
    Guided by stars of flickering brightness,
    Revealing secrets to the wandering souls in darkness.

    Through unknown games of shadows and light,
    Tales of the night thrived in elusive enigmas,
    Etched in the firmament’s infinite height,
    A symphony played by celestial drifters.

    Beneath the gaze of everlasting flames,
    The dreams, like phantoms, danced with fervour,
    Woven into an invisible maze,
    Until they dissolved like tears in the rain.

    Ethereal sparkles illuminated the void; in their ephemeral space,
    In the midst of the eternal dimness that held no trace,
    The unveiled dreams of the night illuminated the void,
    In their ephemeral space.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Veil Of Perception

    The Veil Of Perception

    The veil of perception was shrouded by dark shadows,
    Deep in the abyss of the nothingness,
    Where whispers and sighs hid in their spasmodic secrecy.

    The veil of deception softly descended,
    Beyond the realms of sensibility,
    Where a universe of illusions and chimaeras lay.

    Ephemeral gleams of evanescence enlightened the labyrinth of dreams,
    A mist of melancholy and fleeting desires,
    Immortal light and darkness.

    The eternal mysteries glowed like luminaries flickering in the boundless expanse,
    Each star preserved untold tales,
    While silence concealed arcana.

    Enigmas shimmered in grace,
    Embracing the infinite darkness,
    Amidst the chaos of the cosmos.

    Veiled in shadows, perceptions trembled,
    In the abyss of whispered secrets,
    Where illusions and mirages melted in a myriad of fragments.

    Deception presided over the garden of beauty and bliss,
    Beyond the grasp of lucidity,
    Where dreams and reality blurred.

    Ephemeral sparks fleeted away from longings,
    Illuminated were the paths of uncertainty,
    Where light and darkness converged.

    Mysteries sparkled in graceful darkness,
    Embracing the enigmatic oblivion,
    Amidst the chaos of the void.

    Haunted truths remained elusive,
    Through the maze of obsession and despair,
    Silent spectres of uncertainty.

    The veil of perception cast a mystic spell,
    Drawing nightmares into its ethereal embrace,
    Where forgotten dreams lingered in the misty haze.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

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