Tag: evanescence

  • The Veil Of Perception

    The Veil Of Perception

    The veil of perception was shrouded by dark shadows,
    Deep in the abyss of the nothingness,
    Where whispers and sighs hid in their spasmodic secrecy.

    The veil of deception softly descended,
    Beyond the realms of sensibility,
    Where a universe of illusions and chimaeras lay.

    Ephemeral gleams of evanescence enlightened the labyrinth of dreams,
    A mist of melancholy and fleeting desires,
    Immortal light and darkness.

    The eternal mysteries glowed like luminaries flickering in the boundless expanse,
    Each star preserved untold tales,
    While silence concealed arcana.

    Enigmas shimmered in grace,
    Embracing the infinite darkness,
    Amidst the chaos of the cosmos.

    Veiled in shadows, perceptions trembled,
    In the abyss of whispered secrets,
    Where illusions and mirages melted in a myriad of fragments.

    Deception presided over the garden of beauty and bliss,
    Beyond the grasp of lucidity,
    Where dreams and reality blurred.

    Ephemeral sparks fleeted away from longings,
    Illuminated were the paths of uncertainty,
    Where light and darkness converged.

    Mysteries sparkled in graceful darkness,
    Embracing the enigmatic oblivion,
    Amidst the chaos of the void.

    Haunted truths remained elusive,
    Through the maze of obsession and despair,
    Silent spectres of uncertainty.

    The veil of perception cast a mystic spell,
    Drawing nightmares into its ethereal embrace,
    Where forgotten dreams lingered in the misty haze.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • A Blissful Swoon

    A Blissful Swoon

    A Blissful Swoon

    A blissful swoon as an unexpected sigh
    A brutal daze as a distorted evanescence
    When a distant echo of archaic fantasies resurfaces
    Like a relic from the depths of an infinite abyss
    Where the utmost devastation swallows every bliss and longing
    Where there is no place for integrity and probity
    A passionate taint leaves an indelible blemish on every fragment of spark
    A strayed bond of deception and devotion is destined to dissolve in a flare
    A radiant eternity hides inside a dim disintegration
    A surreal cloud is lost in every dreaming sorrow
    Shining glazes soothe emotions soaring through an enigma
    Ethereal glimmers wander in the silent maze of mystic blazes.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Blankness Of A Broken Mirror

    The Blankness Of A Broken Mirror

    The Blankness Of A Broken Mirror

    Pale shadows reflect in a broken mirror
    Solitude gasps in the presence of silence
    Tumultuous visions of a coveted desire are scattered into nothingness
    The emptiness of the nightmares’ abyss swallows every hope and dream
    Every so often, darkness is beauty in disguise, hiding in the invisible
    The mystery of an unmentionable truth belongs to a time that never existed
    Broken mirrors reflect falsified spoils
    Obliviousness destroys every memory that becomes part of the void
    Souls in exile wander without peace
    In search of what they have eternally coveted
    Chaos dwells among the multitude of soul fragments
    Distorted images of souls are reflected in deformed mirrors
    Amorphous perceptions dissolve in the evanescence
    The distressing instant of a distant tumult blends in with the beauty of tragedy.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

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