Tag: Soul’s Unrest

  • The Betrayal of the Darkness

    The Betrayal of the Darkness

    The Betrayal of the Darkness
    by Esther Elizabeth Racah

    The betrayal of the darkness settled deep in the air,
    Where shadows deceived with their treacherous grace.
    Darkness, once a velvet cloak, soft and kind,
    Now rends the night, leaving a chilling trace.
    Once a companion in the silent hours,
    Now, it festers in corners unseen,
    The mist no longer caresses with gentleness,
    But coils with intent, cold and keen.

    Where light once danced on edges faint,
    Now, only the dimmest echoes remain.
    Each flicker is caught, held in a snare,
    Trapped in the betrayal of the darkness’ silent despair.
    The candles burn low, their flames thin and weak,
    Their glow is a promise they cannot keep.
    For the dark, once a sanctuary still,
    Now mocks with a cruel, foreboding thrill.

    The mist is no longer a veil of peace,
    But a trickster, shifting with every breath.
    Its weight presses down on every thought,
    Whispering of the betrayal of the darkness and death.
    The ground beneath trembles with dread,
    As if it, too, feels the shadow’s spread.
    Each step taken is a step in vain,
    For the night has claimed all within its reign.

    What was once hidden in a gentle embrace,
    Now, it splits the soul with a sharpened edge.
    The night, no longer a place to rest,
    Has become a realm of the heart’s unrest.
    The betrayal of the darkness cuts so deep,
    Leaving wounds that remain unseen.
    For the darkness was more than just the night;
    It was a promise of something more,
    But now that promise is undone,
    And the soul is left adrift, forlorn.

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