The Crumbled Castle of Lost Expectations

The crumbled castle of lost expectations stood in ruins beneath an indifferent sky,
Its arches bent, its towers broken,
Its promises faded away too soon.

Winds howled through the hollowed halls,
Where once the fate bright had shone.
Dreams drifted like the autumn leaves,
Long dead but never entirely gone.

Shattered windows framed the sky,
Where hope once rose but now fell fast.
The crumbled castle of lost expectations
Watched as time dragged out the past.

Its walls had held such hopes and dreams,
But those were buried deep in stone.
Each vow, each word, each fleeting thought,
Eroded by time, cold and alone.

Forgotten by the world outside,
Its gates, once open, were now closed tight.
A monument to loss and grief,
It drowned in the depth of endless night.

The crumbled castle of lost expectations was a haven once,
But like all things, it too decayed,
Its walls were too frail to endlessly endure.

There were relics and memories from years gone by,
But now they were just ghosts in the air.
Colours and glimmers, faint, like shadows passed,
Through corridors that lead nowhere.

A kingdom built on fragile hope,
Now overtaken by despair.
Every dream that once gleamed radiant now lay broken,
Scattered everywhere.

Vines crept over forgotten doors,
Their tendrils strangled what remained,
And ivy choked the marble floors,
In time’s indifferent, endless chains.

The crumbled castle of lost expectations witnessed the love that turned to dust.
No joy remained, no delight, no glow,
Only fragments of misplaced trust.

Each stone, once laid with tender hands,
Now crumbles under sorrow’s poundage.
The days grew long, the nights grew cold,
And silence sealed its final fate.

A tower, once monumental, collapsed in pain,
Its windows were ravaged, stained with tears.
It fell not with a roar or cry,
But with a whisper through the years.

The shattered castle of forsaken dreams stood now as a tomb to all that was gone,
A hollow relic of dreams once lustrous,
And lives that flickered out at dawn.

No sun will rise, no dawn will break,
No voices will call out its name.
Only the wind will mourn its fate,
And time will erase its fleeting flame.

A silent ghost whose memories were too faint to be kept.
The crumbled castle of lost expectations fell to dust and ceased to exist.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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