The Forgotten Asylum

An image of a mental asylum evoking the atmosphere in the poem The Forgotten Asylum

The forgotten asylum hid in the valley of shadows, where echoes died,
Its walls, crumbled and weary, were veiled by the mist where time had lied.
Long corridors, wrapped in darkness, whispered with dread,
A realm where the ghosts of mad and tortured, in their sorrow, bled.

The halls had witnessed their last cries, their final pleas for release,
Now silent except for the ghostly echoes of their inner disease.
Iron gates, once symbols of imprisonment, now clanged with sorrowful wails,
A haunting symphony of voices lost, drifting through the desolate trails.

Broken beds, once resting places for tortured minds, now lay cold and still,
Their occupants were gone, leaving only the echoes of their silent shrill.
In the shrouded darkness of their final night, where daylight was barred,
Their minds remained forever trapped, their spirits scarred.

The night they came with lanterns dim, searching for what had been lost,
Their steps disturbed the ancient dust, waking shadows at a cost.
Each room they entered spoke of despair, each corner a sorrowful tale,
Of spirits bound to this cursed place, their cries eternally frail.

The night was crowded with eerie sighs as the moonlight cast its mournful beams,
Dancing on hollowed eyes that stared, forever trapped in a spectral nightmare.
The forgotten asylum was now a crypt of everlasting gloom,
Where fear and sorrow merged in perpetual doom.

Time itself seemed to decay within those forsaken walls,
As the forgotten asylum’s curse wove its web through its crumbling halls.
Tales of madness dwelled, clinging to the air’s chilled gust,
A monument to agony, where echoes sought release from their endless death.

Desolation seeped through the walls, and silence bore the burden of untold grief.
As shadows stretched and sighed, embracing the forsaken lament.
Silent screams of lost souls echoed endlessly through the abyss of darkness.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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