The Forgotten Chamber

The forgotten chamber was hiding in the dim recess of an ancient house,
Where shadows clutched the silent walls,
A chamber waited with a broken vow,
Its secrets held in whispers’ thralls.

Dusty curtains draped the sombre panes,
Their fabric was frayed by time’s cruel hand,
The floorboards creaked with ghostly strains,
In this forsaken, spectral land.

Beneath the moon’s cold, pallid light,
The air grew thick with sorrow’s breath,
Each crevice hid a tale of fright,
Of restless souls and silent death.

A mirror cracked, its glass dismayed,
Reflects not what the eye could have seen,
But echoes of a past long frayed,
Where shadows lingered in misery.

The decrepit pendulum clock stood still, unmoved,
Its pendulum blade was a haunting lull,
Tick-tock lost to time’s disprove,
A rhythm ceased, a heartbeat dull.

In corners where the darkness draped,
A chilling breeze began to moan,
The dust rose in spectral shapes,
As if the room remembered its own doom.

A hollow voice from beyond the seam,
Called out with sorrowful, pleading grace,
An old and weary, haunting dream,
Etched in the chamber’s haunted space.

And though the chamber’s door was sealed,
Its secrets were still beyond human grasp,
The echoes of its past were posed,
In shadows that the night enwrapped.

In the musty gloom, the cobwebs weaved,
Their silken threads were ghostly shrouds,
The echoes of the past deceived,
As whispers appeared beneath clouds.

The hearths, now cold, held faint traces,
Of fires that once burned bright and warm,
Its ashes held a spectral hue,
Of days now lost to time’s own storm.

The wallpaper, peeling with despair,
Revealed forgotten patterns, old,
A labyrinth of history’s snare,
In faded shades of bold darkness.

The bed’s old frame was creaking still,
Its linens were yellowed by the years,
A silent witness to the chill,
Of sleepless nights and hidden fears.

The oil paintings on the walls were torn,
Their subjects were lost in vacant gazes,
Eyes that followed, forlorn, worn,
With souls enshrined in a darkened haze.

The chandeliers, now dark and bare,
Hung in silence in their spectral grace,
Their crystals gathered moonlit glare,
A fractured light in a broken space.

The cold stone floors were etched with dust and sand,
Where footsteps faded in muted cries,
An eternal waltz of eerie time,
In shadowed paths where darkness lay.

The old armchair, once soft and grand,
Were now draped in dust and faded dreams,
Its cushions held a ghostly hand,
A spectral touch in quiet schemes.

The dust motes danced in the still air,
A ghostly ballet in moonlight’s beam,
Their silent steps were caught in a snare,
Of time’s relentless, haunting stream.

In the attic, secrets lay patiently in wait,
In trunks and chests of weathered wood,
Their locks were rusted by cruel fate,
And treasures lost to darkened mood.

The scent of old decay persisted,
Of bygone days and vanished lights,
A presence in the shadows twisted,
An unseen guest that haunted the night.

The floorboards creaked beneath the weight,
Of memories that will never die,
Each groaned a whisper of regret,
A mournful sigh in the darkened sky.

The broken windows framed the night,
Their shattered glass was a ghostly screen,
Through jagged panes, the pale moonlight,
Revealed the shadows, cold and lean.

The clock’s hands rested in frozen time,
A symbol of the past’s cruel jest,
Its silence spoke of sorrow’s rhyme,
In the chamber’s timeless, spectral rest.

In the corners, shadows blended and faded,
With hints of faces, lost and still,
They formed a dark and shifting parade,
In the chamber’s eerie, silent thrill.

The echoes of a distant song,
Played softly in the empty halls,
A melody that once belonged,
To voices now in shadows’ thrall.

The scent of old, forgotten flowers,
Lingered faintly in the air,
Their petals were lost to fleeting hours,
And whispers caught in dark despair.

The staircase winds in haunted grace,
It steps a path to darkened lore,
A trail of dust and spectral traces,
Led to secrets held in yore.

The walls, adorned with ancient ashes,
Held stories etched in ghostly art,
Their cracks revealed the scars of time,
A memory and testimony to broken hearts.

The old bookcase stood forlorn,
Its shelves were now bare and filled with dust,
Each time, a ghost of knowledge torn,
From a past that faded to rust.

The iron key upon the sill,
Once turned to unlock hidden dreams,
Now rested in silence, cold and still,
Its purpose was lost to moonlit beams.

The echoes of laughter’s tone,
Were caught within the chamber’s keep,
A long-gone joy, now overthrown,
By shadows that, in silence, crept.

The faded rug on the floor,
Once vibrant with a grand pattern,
Now threads of memory, old and sore,
In the cold embrace of spectral hand.

The portraits’ eyes, so haunting still,
Watched over the room’s dismal space,
Their gazes filled with ghostly chill,
And secrets were hidden in their face.

The doorframe creaked with every breeze,
A sound that stirred the quiet gloom,
Its hinges moaned in spectral pleas,
A harbinger of shadowed doom.

The forgotten chamber held a timeless grief,
A sorrow cast in the spectral shade,
Its silence spoke of disbelief,
And memories that never faded.

The midnight hour brought shadows deep,
To weave their tales in moonlight’s veils,
Darkness where the spirits wept,
And echoes of the past prevailed.

The room remained a silent cry,
A place where time and sorrow met,
Its broken heart, a ghostly sigh,
A chamber lost to dark defeat.

And though the chamber’s door was sealed,
Its secrets were still beyond human grasp,
The echoes of its past were posed,
In shadows that the night enwrapped.

For in this room of ancient plight,
The past and present intertwined,
A haunted realm of endless night,
Where lost souls in silence pined.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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