The Last Midnight

The last midnight had drawn near,
Its shadow was cold and sharp with fear.
The wind, once howling, had stilled to nought,
As darkness claimed the light, it sought.

The last midnight hung heavy in the air,
A curse, a promise, a final snare.
No stars had pierced the sky that night,
Only endless blackness in its fading light.

They had waited in the decaying halls,
Where silence seeped through fractured walls.
The last midnight loomed with fate’s cold hand,
A doom too close to understand.

Eyes had watched the hands tick slowly,
As if time itself feared the blow.
For the last midnight was nearly here,
Bringing with it dread and fear.

The air had thickened, dense and still,
As shadows danced with a cruel will.
The moments passed like final breaths,
Each one was steeped in the scent of death.

The last midnight struck its hollow tone,
And from the void, no mercy was shown.
A bell that tolled from the depths of night,
Had sealed the fate with its final bite.

The heart had ceased, the soul withdrew,
As darkness deepened and shadows grew.
No solace came, no saving hand,
For the days had met their cursed end.

The last midnight had claimed its due,
The curse fulfilled, the terror true.
The wind outside resumed its cry,
As the soul left with a whispered sigh.

The mansion had stood in endless gloom,
Each corner was steeped in haunted doom.
The last midnight lingered on the walls,
Echoing still through empty halls.

And when the final hour passed,
It left behind a vast silence.
No dawn would rise, no morning bright,
Only the void of endless night.

The last midnight was all that stayed,
A memory lost in darkness’ shade.
No living soul to mourn, to weep,
For all had drifted into sleep.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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