Dead Desires

Dead desires lingered like ghosts,
Hovering over ruins of faded aspirations,
The giggles of delight that once filled the air turned to despair,
A reminder of desires that withered away,
Like autumn leaves crumbling into dust,
Beneath the weight of relentless time.

In the stillness of forsaken dreams,
Shadows swirled under the tree of hopes that once thrived,
Weaving through remnants of a forgotten past,
Each piece of yearning faded into the void,
As the heart’s vibrant ache succumbed to silence,
Lost in the echoes of what could have been.

Days, once painted in vivid hues,
Became shrouded in muted greys,
Each moment became a cruel reminder,
Of warmth that slipped through fingers,
The chill of time’s cruel embrace
Froze every hope into lifelessness.

A single tear traced a path down a cheek,
Carrying the burden of unfulfilled wishes,
The heart, once a vessel of fervour,
Now beat with a hollow rhythm,
A metronome marking unachieved desires,
Each tick resonated with loss.

Dead desires drifted like fallen leaves,
Words unspoken, deeply felt,
In the stillness, they hung heavy,
As the moon illuminated the decay of hope,
Scattering dreams like ashes in the wind,
Leaving only shadows of what had been.

As twilight approached, the air grew colder,
Each breath was a reminder of dreams abandoned,
The heart ached for the fire it once held,
Now, only embers remained,
Smouldering in the corners of a darkened soul,
A monument to the dead desires that lingered on.

In the quiet corners of memory,
The shadows whispered tales of longing,
The paths not taken became a haunting refrain,
As the heart learned to dwell in the silence,
Embracing the sorrow that filled the void,
Finding beauty in the ashes of dreams.

Dead desires echoed through the aisles of time,
A haunting melody of what might have been,
Reverberating through the deepest depths of the abyss,
And, in their sight, the heart understood,
That within each ember lay a spark of hope,
A reminder that even in loss, tragedy can unveil meaning.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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