The Last Night

The last night unfolded beneath a sky cloaked in shadows,
A tattered tapestry was woven with memories of love and loss.
Stars flickered dimly, reflecting fading recollections.
In the quiet, the heart thudded heavily,
A farewell to all that had been cherished.

With every sigh, inevitability settled deeper,
Wrapping around the soul like a cold shroud.
Conversations once vibrant dwindled to whispers,
The air was overloaded with unspoken goodbyes.
Each pause stood as a memory of what had slipped away,
As silence engulfed the space between words.

The night grew long, stretching into eternity,
Echoing with the ghosts of choices made.
Shadows crept closer, intertwining with dark thoughts,
Faces appeared in fleeting visions,
Their smiles faded into the abyss of sorrow,
As longings mingled with the chill of despair.

Time felt suspended; the universe held its breath,
Allowing the heart to linger in anguish,
As dawn approached, it bore the weight of endings.
Each ray of light served as a cruel reminder
Of the last night that passed into oblivion,
A darkness that would not quickly release its grip.

Lingering warmth brushed against the remnants,
Yet even in light, memories clung to the air,
Etched into the soul, a monument to finality,
The last night, a bittersweet elegy,
Haunting the chambers of remembrance,
A reminder of love intertwined with loss.

As the stars faded, so did the last night,
Leaving behind echoes of what had been,
A sombre farewell whispered into the dawn.
Yet within that silence, a glimmer remained,
The promise that even in endings,
Life continued, ever turning, ever aching.

Reveries danced like shadows in the fading light,
Each heartbeat resonated with the weight of dreams lost in the eternity,
The final night lingered, whispering truths and lies,
A haunting reminder that all things must part.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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