Shattered Expectations

Shattered expectations lay heavy,
Upon a once-bright horizon,
Casting gloom over whispered promises,
Dreams shattered like fragile glass,
Each shard reflected unrealised aspirations,
Their brilliance was dulled by the sting of reality.

In an instant of fracture,
The future darkened with despair,
The heartfelt, sharp sting of disillusionment,
Every step forward met with waves of grief,
Dragging the spirit into a pit of sorrow,
Where hope became a distant memory.

The sky was loaded with clouds and forgotten ambitions,
Each gust of wind was a reminder of paths diverged,
Faces that once gleamed with potential,
Now, they wore masks of resignation,
Eyes clouded with the weight of disappointment,
The spark of hope extinguished too soon.

Time, relentless in its march,
Became a cruel companion,
Each tick of the clock was a reminder
Of the opportunities that slipped away,
Moments scattered like shards of mirrors,
Reflecting the painful truth of what could have been.

In this desolation, nefarious thoughts persisted,
What had been could never be reclaimed,
The world spun on, indifferent to grief,
Each sunrise bore the weight of shattered dreams,
And a quiet acceptance began to take root,
Acknowledging that some dreams were never meant to flourish.

Amid the gloom of bygone days,
Traces of forsaken desires lingered,
A haunting reminder of what was lost,
And even in the depths of hope,
No flicker of resilience could have sparked,
Leaving only shadows where dreams once thrived.

Shattered expectations became remote relics,
As the heart learned to wander through the darkness,
Searching for echoes in a desolate chamber,
Where shadows coiled like serpents of despair.

Each bit of void swallowed oppressively in silence,
And dreams, like spectres, faded into the gloom,
In the quietness, a haunting sorrow lingered.

In shadows, regret festered,
A reminder of lost prospects,
Trapped in a labyrinth of misery.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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