Desolation and Sadness

Desolation and sadness blossomed in a time when the tree of joy died,
Before, the winds turned cold and cruel.
The days were bright, but shadows prospered,
And silence ruled in every room.

The flowers once bloomed in glimmering lights,
Their petals soft, their fragrance sweet,
But seasons shifted, and they withered,
As if the soil no longer cared to greet.

The sky had held a shade of blue,
A canvas where the clouds would play,
But soon, it faded into grey,
As mirth dissolved and dreams decayed.

There had been a symphony of fondness in every glimmer,
And love’s embrace was powerful and infallible.
But hearts grew detached, hands untied,
Leaving behind an obscure emptiness.

The roads once bustled with busy steps,
Crammed with the hum of life’s embrace.
Now, only memories passed through walls,
And loneliness had found its realm.

The ocean once danced beneath the sun,
Its waves created a melody of endless bliss.
But now the shores stood bare and cold,
Untouched by light, untouched by ardour.

There was a time when longings were alive,
Their sounds were so pure, their wings so light,
Nonetheless, soon, their melodies went lost in the darkness,
Swept away by endless nights.

The stars had shone like scattered gems,
Guiding the way through life’s enigmas,
However, shortly, their light was swallowed whole,
By darkened skies, their lustre was gone.

Those who once believed in futures bright,
With paths that led to beautiful shores.
They became tired of those dreams that were left lying in the dust,
Forgotten tales of what once soared.

There had been smiles and giggles,
Faded promises of days to arrive.
But sorrow settled in their place,
And every gust felt cold and numb.

The past was filled with tender grace,
A world untouched by grief’s decay.
But time moved on, and all that was loved
It was swept like ash and blown away.

Desolation and sadness claimed the fields of green,
Where no more hearts alive could have been chased,
Indeed, now those fields lay barren, bare,
Where joy had existed, now misery took its siege.

The wind that brought hymns of happiness
Suddenly, it only carried the weight of tears.
The songs of delight and love
Fell silent through the passing years.

There was a remote and ancient time,
When kindness bloomed like a springtime flower,
But cruelty’s frost had killed the bloom,
And shadows stretched with thriving power.

The sun that warmed every realm
Fell from the sky in silent grief,
And all that once was full of life
Fell prey to time’s relentless thief.

In the end, only desolation and sadness lingered here,
Of all things that went lost, of all those dreams that were known.
Desolation ruled the land,
And sadness bloomed where hope once grew.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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