Luscious Desires

Luscious desires bloomed under the shape of extravagant flowers,
In the nighttime darkness, they loved to glow in all their lush,
A manifestation of boldness and imprudence.

Every sculpture in this luscious garden was corrupted by the scent of triviality,
A labyrinth where unaware visitors
Usually delusional dreamers,
Strolled, losing themselves.

Time did not exist anymore,
Luscious dreams became a habit
During each slumber,
In this realm of obsessions and paranoias.

Sanity had lost its fight against madness,
Irrational and luscious desires ruled this magical world,
Where lavish and luxurious flowers bloomed in all their senseless beauty.

Fountains of forgetfulness adorned the garden,
Their waters shimmering under the starry night sky,
Whispering promises of escape, yet luring only deeper into oblivion.

Every path led to the same abyss,
A void where reality blurred,
And time became an abstract illusion,
Lost in the haze of perpetual dusk.

The air was rich with the fragrance of opulence,
A perfume that clouded the slumbers,
Numbing reason while igniting an insatiable longing
For more—more dreams, more madness, more of the luscious delirium.

Dreamers wandered endlessly,
Their imprints were muffled by the overgrown vines,
Each lost in their own reverie,
Each captive to the garden’s seduction.

No voice of reason could pierce this veil,
For even the stars above had forgotten their course,
Twinkling aimlessly in a sky that no longer cared for order.

This occult realm, once rooted in the soil of desire,
Had spiralled into a darkened utopia,
Where all that was lush and beautiful
Became the seeds of profound and inescapable chaos.

Luscious desires flourished, wilder and more feral.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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