Down into the Abyss of Despair

An image of a gloomy abyss evoking the atmosphere in the poem Down into the Abyss of Despair

Down into the abyss of despair,
Where shadows coiled and dreams lay bare,
Dreamers ventured forth through endless gloom,
Into the depths of a sorrowed tomb.

The void stretched wide, an endless chasm,
Where echoes lost their haunting spasm.
The light of hope had long since died,
And darkness reigned where fears had cried.

In that abyss, silent and deep,
Restless souls were condemned to weep.
The weight of sorrow, heavy and cold,
Wrapped tightly around hearts grown old.

Murmurs drifted on the stagnant air,
Of forgotten souls imprisoned there.
Their cries were muffled, swallowed by night,
Engulfed in a relentless, eternal blight.

The walls, etched with memories of pain,
Glimmered faintly in the dark domain.
Each step descended further down,
Away from the crown, far from renown.

Time dissolved within that spectral place,
Where grief and anguish left their trace.
The abyss was a cruel and endless snare,
Trapping souls in its despairing lair.

No escape was found from this mournful plight,
In the depths of unending night.
The heart became a hollow shell,
Lost in the chasm where shadows dwell.

Hope, once bright, had turned to dust,
Consumed by the abyss’s cruel thrust.
Every moment stretched to infinity,
As shadows mocked with bleak divinity.

Drawn into the void without a will,
A witness to its cold, dreadful chill.
The abyss claimed its spectral fare,
Leaving all lost in its endless snare.

The abyss devoured every lingering plea,
Its grip was relentless, with no chance to flee.
Shadows morphed into a bleak parade,
As hope succumbed to the eternal shade.

The weight of despair, an unyielding chain,
Bound souls tight in a web of pain.
In the abyss, nothing remained,
Save the endless sorrow that stained.

In that abyss, despair lay bare,
A dark testament to anguish and care.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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