Pain And Anguish

A dramatic photo evoking the sense of pain and anguish

Pain and anguish blossomed into a sombre dawn,
When shadows lingered and hope withdrawn,
And echoes of sorrow became silent and deep,
In the abyss of grief, secrets were kept.

A realm awash in tears that flowed like wild rivers,
Where darkness reigned, and doubts grew,
Within this bleak, relentless was the night,
Glimmers of resilience fainted bright.

Tales of shattered dreams and hearts torn apart,
Wove a lore of loss, a solemn art,
Amidst the despair, a sign of defeat and surrender,
Yearned to pierce through the perpetual night.

In the depths of desolation, a journey through sorrow,
Kindling an unextinguished flame of destruction,
Within the heavy gloom of ashes of despair,
After the inexorable loss of solaces and grimaces.

Haunting and heinous memories became hideous ghosts of the imagination,
Influential in their gloomy and whispering torments,
Leaving destruction and death behind.

The aether became thick with the scent of despair,
As intrusions from the past pierced through the night air,
Spectral forms weaving a veil of woes,
In a sky where the stars refused to glow.

In a sky perpetually painted with a stormy dye,
The silence was deafening, and the stillness was heavy as arsenic,
Binding pure love and innocence in an unwavering state.

In the shadow of sorrow, dreadful glimmers appeared,
A long-forgotten nightmare as a distant hope,
Fumbling in the darkness, wicked and frail,
But enough to whisper that everything was lost.

Pain and anguish bloomed into scorn and despair,
During journeys made of infinite trials and unknown foes,
When obscurity lingered and hope withdrawn,
Echoes of sorrow became silent and deep,
In the abyss of grief, secrets were kept.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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