Stalking Nightmares

Stalking nightmares wandered through the garden of wonders,
Descending like a toxic fog over the meadows and flowers,
They whispered sweet deceptions to those who dared to wander in dreams.

Dark illusions were blossoming in the eternal night,
Under a firmament devoid of luminaries and flames,
The only enjoyment and delight was the horrid stare of fearless ghouls.

The love for obsession became a tapestry of thorns,
Feeding their roots with the blood of incautious dreamers and believers,
As a game of subjugation of cruel torments with shining grins.

Stalking nightmares deprived of life and future,
As demonic vampires devoid of any righteous scruples and empathy,
Striving to annihilate and destroy every blameless flower.

Fading stars were just a jest and amusement,
For those who were not aware of their sparkling lights,
Ghosts who danced in shadows, lost in their plight.

Every naivety lured by haunting whispers of dreams turned to ash,
Each petal was a dagger, sharp with hidden secrets,
Under the spell of a wicked gloominess, avid of dreams.

Stalking nightmares, stubborn blooms breaking through the frigid soil,
With roots entwined in enigmas of unrevealed arcane,
In a conflict between shadows and flickers of dawn.

In the abyss of dread, dark winds did howl,
Swaying brittle stalks of nightmares, thin and foul,
Beneath the moonless sky, there were plenty of threatening clouds.

Tangled vines of dismay, tangled in despair,
Stifling the seeds of hope and joy,
While a storm of shadows thickened the languid air.

Stalking nightmares revelled in their reign,
Like ghouls with bared teeth and eyes of fire,
Oblivious to the change beneath their feet.

Their shadows were triumphant, blind to the garden’s cries,
In the realm of forgotten souls crumbling into dust.
In this twilight domain, where agonies convened,
The garden pleaded in vain to turn nightmares into beauty.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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