A Midsummer Night
The rustle of leaves echoes in a midsummer night
Crickets constantly chirp, creating a nocturnal symphony
The vast darkness of the night stretches as far as the eye could see
Water drops trickle off tree leaves
The stars light up the Prussian blue sky on a midsummer night
Nocturnal moths dance chaotically like fairies
The mystical mist of the night envelops the city voluptuously
A silvery-grey stillness encloses the landscape
Silver green moonbeams shimmer on little puddles
The intoxicating perfume of tuberose and jasmine fills the air
The shining golden moon accompanies the lonely bright stars
In such a dream, I was wandering through a labyrinth of emotions and longings
Feeling lost in a chaotic life with uncertainties lingering inside my soul
Dreaming of a future where I could live exempt from anguishes and fears.
Esther Racah