Tag: writing my soul down

  • Writing My Soul Down

    Writing My Soul Down

    Writing My Soul Down

    Writing my soul down while it is raining
    The dark night appears like a vast stormy ocean
    Expectations defeat me as I dream each day and night
    Being emotionally paralyzed, I wait for the moment I can rely on my senses
    Sometimes the perfection might be in the imperfections
    Sometimes it would be better to be wary rather than foolish
    Humbleness should replace arrogance
    Honesty should replace dissimulation
    Exhaustion might hide anguish and grief
    Nowadays, popularity and lavishness classify people
    Idiocy and platitude endangers arts and culture
    The most important values of this society are to be popular and wealthy
    Everything can be buried in the abyss of the ineptitude
    All that I can do is write my soul down, scribbling notes.
    Esther Racah

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