The Embrace of the Void

In the embrace of the void, where shadows entwine,
I surrendered my heart to the arcane silence.
Here, in the stillness, all sounds had ceased,
I found my own peace, but my spirit was leased.

The night wrapped around me like a lover’s caress,
With each sigh, I let slip a whisper of grief.
I wandered through landscapes where no light could intrude,
Lost in the abyss of a sorrowful realm.

The stars above flickered like memories gone,
Their light was just a glimmer, a glimpse of the dawn.
In the embrace of the void, time slipped away,
A moment eternal, where shadows held sway.

I felt the cold raindrops of darkness draw near,
A shroud woven tightly, instilling pure fear.
Yet strangely, within this chasm, I discovered a treasure,
A comfort in stillness, a profound solace.

For what is the void but a mirror of myself,
Reflecting the depths of my own anguish?
I wandered unanchored, yet strangely at home,
In the embrace of the emptiness, forever to linger.

The silence, a canvas where thoughts drift and sway,
In colours of longing, that time can’t allay.
Each heartbeat was a reminder of love left behind,
In the void’s deep embrace, my heart was unconfined.

And so I perpetually abide in this realm of despair,
Where shadows stroke me, and darkness stands revealed.
Since, only in the embrace of the void, I am free,
Forever entwined in this haunting decree.

In the oblivion, I confront the phantoms that dwell in my mind,
A haunting chorus of echoes, relentless and cruel.
In dreams and nightmares, I’m lured into this desolate place,
Hence, I embrace the infinite darkness, each shadow, each sorrow, each trace.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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