The Eternal Mourning

The eternal mourning ruled through the mist,
Where an eerie chapel stood,
In barren lands of forgotten names,
Its windows wept with shattered glass,
As time drifted by, yet never passed.

The bell, once vibrant, was now silent and cold,
But it echoed faintly with lingering souls,
Who wandered through this hallowed ground,
In silence where no peace could have been found.

The graves, untended, cracked and bare,
Hold names erased by time’s cruel air,
And ivy crawled like fingers cold,
Around the stones where death took hold.

A shadow moved among the tombs,
A bride in black with eyes like moons,
Her veil, a shroud of endless grief,
Her heart was forever without relief.

She searched for the one she had lost,
Her love was consumed by death’s harsh frost.
In this eternal mourning, with every step, the earth sighed low,
A dirge for those who’ll never know.

Her tears fell softly on the stone,
For here she walked, forever alone,
Bound to this mournful, endless night,
A ghost within the pale moonlight.

No prayers will ever reach this land so cursed,
No love reborn, no life reversed,
And as she trod this path of sorrow,
A journey where the sun will never greet tomorrow.

The chapel whispered of faded vows,
Of love turned ash beneath the boughs.
A raven perched on a cross,
A silent watcher of her loss.

She lingered where the shadows crept,
In search of dreams that death will forever keep,
Eternally bound, her heart enchained,
A ghost of the dark profaned.

The roses, once red, became black as night,
Their petals crushed beneath her flight.
In endless circles, she will roam,
This graveyard of her heart, her home.

The stars were blind, the moon had fled,
For in this eternal mourning, the living walked with the dead.
And she, a bride without a groom,
Wandered still through this eternal gloom.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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