The Infinite Darkness

The infinite darkness crept over the world,
A veil so impenetrable, no light unfurled,
In shadows profound, where silence reigned,
Only specs of sorrow faintly remained.
The moon, once bright, was now cast in gloom,
Surrendering its glow to the infinite tomb.

Beneath the heavens, void and stark,
A restless whisper clung to the dark,
Forgotten dreams were laid to waste,
Swallowed whole with ungodly haste.
The infinite darkness, cold and still,
Devoured the soul, crushed the will.

No star remained in the desolate sky,
Only the wind’s morbid sigh,
Through crumbled towers and withered trees,
A graveyard of lost, forlorn pleas.
The infinite darkness shrouded all,
A bleak abyss without recall.

The hour was late, the world grew numb,
To the mournful beat of a ghostly drum.
Voices long buried rose once more,
Whispers of anguish at death’s door.
The infinite darkness spread its reign,
Boundless, eternal, all in vain.

It claimed the hearts of those who wept,
It haunted the dreams of those who slept.
In every crevice, every space,
It loomed like a spectre, leaving no trace
Of the world that was, the days of light,
All faded now in endless night.

The infinite darkness fed on despair,
Its breath a chill, an empty stare,
It pulled the living toward the grave,
For none, not one, could hope to be saved.
In its embrace, no warmth remained,
Only the chill of shadows, unrestrained.

In the distance, a bell did toll,
A knell for every lost soul.
The infinite darkness had won its war,
Leaving behind an open scar
Upon the earth, upon the sky,
A place where even death could die.

The infinite darkness closed its grip,
Tight as a chain, cold as a crypt.
And in that void, so vast, so stark,
Nothing was left but an endless dark.
The infinite darkness, now complete,
Bore the silence of final defeat.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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