The Labyrinth of Despair

An horror image evoking the atmosphere in the poem The Labyrinth of Despair

The labyrinth of despair sprawled in endless ways,
In the twilight of forgotten days.
Its walls, etched with sorrowed lines,
Held shadows deep where hope declines.

Every turn unveiled a maze,
Twisted paths in a dismal haze.
Fragments of delights, now long gone,
Wove through the corridors, forlorn.

Lost spirits wandered through the gloom,
Their faces were etched with silent doom.
The air was thick with unspoken dread,
As darkness fell on dreams long dead.

Each corner turned, the same old sight,
A ceaseless spiral into the night.
Grief, the guide with a cruel arrow,
Led weary hearts through a land so narrow.

Time had no meaning in this place,
Where hope was but a fleeting trace.
The clasp of the labyrinth of despair, so cold and tight,
Swallowed the last remnants of light.

Phantoms whispered from the walls,
Their secrets drowned in endless calls.
The looming shadows seemed to close in,
A claustrophobic trap for the weary within.

In that maze of dim despair,
Lost entities wandered, unaware.
Each step was a reminder of their plight,
As the labyrinth consumed the night.

Hope once bright, now dimmed and frail,
Lost in the labyrinth’s endless tale.
The spectre of fear with no end in sight,
Crushed every spark in the dead of night.

The labyrinth of despair twisted, endlessly vast,
Its horrors were bound by the shadows cast.
Forever they wandered, a spectral crew,
In a maze where no light could pierce through.

Desperation grew with every turn,
As the walls seemed to tighten and burn.
No exit appeared in the ever-shifting scene,
A murky veil of unforeseen darkness.

Specters writhed and danced with glee,
Mocking the trapped wanderers endlessly.
Their weary steps echoed in vain,
Lost in a maze of eternal pain.

The labyrinth’s grip held them tight,
A prison of unending night.
Cries were lost in the eerie plight,
Swallowed whole by the relentless blight.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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