The Maelstrom of Lost Hopes

A vortex in the water reminiscent of the poem The Maelstrom of Lost Hopes

The maelstrom of lost hopes,
A storm raged through the silent night,
Swirling hopes into the maelstrom’s bite.
Dreams, once vivid, were cast away,
In a tempest that led hearts astray.

The winds of change, harsh and cold,
Tore apart what dreams once told.
A vortex of despair spun tight,
Drowning aspirations in the dead of night.

Visions of a brighter dawn,
Lost in the tempest, all but gone.
Each gust, a reminder of the fall,
Of hopes that shattered against the wall.

In the heart of the storm, shadows danced,
As every wish and dream was entranced.
The maelstrom’s roar drowned out the cries,
Of souls adrift beneath darkened skies.

Fragments of hope scattered wide,
Carried away by the storm’s fierce tide.
Each hope a wisp, a fleeting flare,
Lost in the tempest’s cruel snare.

The storm’s fury showed no mercy,
As dreams dissolved into a dark sea.
The chaos spun with relentless might,
Churning despair through the endless night.

A calm eventually settled in,
Leaving echoes of where hopes had been.
The maelstrom’s legacy, a haunting sound,
A reminder of the dreams that drowned.

In the aftermath, a sombre view,
Of aspirations lost and futures askew.
The maelstrom’s wrath, a cruel jest,
Left the heart with only the quest.

In the wake of the tempest’s rage,
Silent whispers filled the empty stage.
Echoes of hope once bright and clear,
Now faded to a distant, mournful cheer.

The remnants of dreams, like ashes, fall,
Drifting down from the storm’s cruel thrall.
Yet within the ruins, a fragile light,
Glimmers softly through the endless night.

In the silence that follows the storm’s roar,
A faint heartbeat, a whisper of yore.
Though the maelstrom left its deep scar,
The spirit seeks where lost hopes are.

From the wreckage, a new dawn may rise,
As dreams take flight to brighter skies.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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