I Will Eventually Disappear Forever

I Will Eventually Disappear

I Will Eventually Disappear Forever

I will eventually disappear forever into the shadows of my past
I will ultimately fade into those disturbing remembrances
Which disfigured me from the beginning of time
My soul will dissolve into nothingness
I will be a non-entity
An image without reflections or shadows
On certain days, I am captive of my grief
Some type of grief never leaves the soul
It is a silent pain that makes the heart heavy as a quartz orb
It is a silent cry in the middle of the night
So subdued that not even my shadow can hear it
Anguishes and regrets
They are so ruthless
That they cut my soul with their sharp blades
Life is merciless
I have to trust only myself
Many times I had been deceived
And only disappointment was the result
Betrayal is a constant reminder of my solitude
Suffering and delusion
Nothing else
Like a wound that never heals
A broken heart whose countless fragments are scattered in the immensity of the universe
And there is no longer any amend.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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