Lost In My Mind

Lost In My Mind

Lost In My Mind

Lost in my mind, I found myself
Voyaging through a vast sea of thoughts
I lost my direction in this universe
I lost the purpose of this life
Nothing can be recognisable
Everything is lost and bemused
I found myself lonely in a garden of solitude and despair
Yesterday and tomorrow became one essence
Time was only a chimaera
A dreadful storm was brewing
Lost in my mind, I couldn’t emerge from this turmoil
Corruption and innocence gathered together
The magnificent stars constellated the firmament
With their veiled and unrevealed beauty
I was swinging from fear to fear
In a life that doesn’t get acquainted with plans nor hopes
I can only enjoy my evanescence in the labyrinth of my dreams
My soul is held captive in such distress
Lonely and lost, I was wandering in the dark universe
I remain speechless since the stars were staring at me
Dancing stars blazing in the night sky
I fell over a bush of roses more bewildered than ever
And I was delighted and enchanted
Being besotted with their insolent fragrance
I lost my senses, and I blended in with crimson and blush roses
It was a beautiful and marvellous dream
Lost in my mind, I dwelled on this fantasy
Exquisite and alluring roses surrounded me
Nothing else mattered
I got lost in my mind being careless of the consequences
In an aura of enchantment and delight
Crimson and blush roses captivated me.
Esther Racah

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