


From the window, I see a bird flying away
It reminds me how time runs fast
It reminds me of the freedom which I lost
Perplexed, I wonder how quickly the thoughts and memories move back and forth in my mind
Similarly to a bird flying from a place to another place with a broad view of the city
As the day passes, the light changes
And new colours paint the city
As long as the evening covers up everything with a dark cloak
A game of lights and shadows adorn the city
Melancholy accompanies me to the nighttime
A blend of feelings and memories create a picture whose subject changes constantly
We can consider our memories like landscapes
Some are unpleasant and unsightly
Others are pleasant and lovely
I live in a pit of memories
I live in a field of emotions
Sometimes memories trap me
And it’s difficult to escape from them
But in the end, my mind flies away free like a bird in the sky
My mind is a mirror of memories
Images that belong to a far and near past
My mirror of memories keeps me captive
Although I try to flee from this ambush
I cannot be free, and maybe I don’t want
I will forever belong to this abyss of memories.
Esther Racah

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