Silent tears were still like frozen stones in the hushed garden of desires and consolations, and nothing could have been moveable.
Avid shadows of hollow trees entrapped a patient glance of timid lights. Once more, the darkness of the clouds sovereigned the gloominess.
Longings and blisses of long nights seemed to blend with the whims of lonely nightmares. Unattainable reveries of lost treasures were hunting every dream in despair.
Silent tears tore the melancholy apart like a ripped canvas, which was a perfect vestige of beauty and sublimity. Soliloquies of whimsical moments remained immobile.
Fears perturbed serenity like a fierce storm in the night skyline amid the open sea. Lonely thoughts of solemnity echoed through the infinite firmament.
Timid and fanciful rhymes chanted sonnets of defeat and disillusion. Surreal waves of startling emotions faded away in the recesses of memory, leaving a lingering sense of bewilderment.
Teardrops of sadness and solitude descended on the cold soil like delicate rain, merging with the earth’s quiet sorrow as soon as spells and enchantments were whispered into the air, casting an ethereal ambience of mysticism.
Realms of dismay enveloped the atmosphere, shrouding everything in a sombre veil of gloom. Amidst this forlorn kingdom, whispers of expectation lingered, softly weaving through the shadowy realms.
The void of nothingness swallowed every trace of the sublime, leaving behind an eerie silence and a vast and empty aether. While soft whispering deceits wove a web of illusions, masking the truth in mesmerising deception.
Beneath a starless sky, silence reigned, holding secrets in the obsidian folds of the night. Passions lingered in the quiet, undisclosing mysterious and concealed tales of love and death.
In the realm of hypnotic darkness, each sigh cradled unshed tears, legends of veiled sorrows ensnared within the silent embrace of wonder, ethereality and oblivion.
Esther Elizabeth Racah