A Blurred Portrait Of Nightmares

An imaginary atmosphere of a blurred portrait of nightmares

A blurred portrait of nightmares flooded the firmament of tears and anguish
Losing faith once more in an idyllic vanity of nonsense
The nothingness became abruptly overcast with clouds of sorrow
A bizarre stillness held the void
And somber thoughts from ripped pages of an antique manuscript faded away
A fierce storm raged over a meadow stained with solitude and silence
Ghastly lights vanished in the moonbeams
While a mist swept through the total darkness and a frosting wind wandered around a forest of lost beliefs
A hushed midnight shadowed the clouds like nightmares shadowing the unconsciousness
Gleaming and grisly memories of slight dins shattered mirrors
Fearful shapes of darkness faltered through the dusk
A solemn torpor descended on every single night
Tempestuous evenings fell overwhelmed by cold and pale thunders of shameless envy and betrayal
The avarice of mediocrity shattered every beauty and sublimity
Leaving havoc of obscene opportunism concealed by an oppressive victimization
The stars wept uncontrollably for eternities until no subliminal consciousness remained alive
Sorrow and regret could not wait for the unavoidable blame of nonsense
The past might have been forgotten or even tainted
An imperturbable supplice was behind an obscure secrecy
Befallen troubles defeated a reluctant unfairness
Dangerous longings were crammed into the invisible chest of greed
A dark and gloomy despair prevailed like an everlasting flame
A faint glimmering of an unwilling desire would not bear any bold dismal
Distress and melancholy became mysterious intrusions
Every illusion overcame awareness
Each memory dissolved into a blurred portrait
And nightmares vanished in the glimmering darkness
Each feeble hope failed to overshadow grief
Since faint anguish attempted to burden every sparkle of happiness
Shadows of slander descended over opulent gardens of luminaries
Occulting every whisper of the most exquisite beauty and splendor in the universe
Silent was the echo of dismay crowding dismal remembrances
As soon as delusional phantasies appeared in the form of glistens of radiance.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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