A Buried Star

A Buried Star

A buried star lies in the garden of a soul
Lifeless and ashen
Motionless like a stainless steel sculpture
Cold like a dark wintertime evening
When the snow swirls chaotically
Whilst the frosty wind wraps the night darkness
A labyrinth of obscurity protects the buried star
A ferocious silence prevents any sound from waking the star
A star submerged in the quiet of an eternal torpor
No light is allowed to penetrate the secret garden
The lethal inertia of a lifeless star
Never being allowed to shine brightly
Trapped by fears and nightmares
Too fragile to hold on to the firmament
A concealed star lying in a pit of anguish and darkness
Not even a bashful glow could be discernible from afar.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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