Tag: uncertainty

  • The Labyrinth Of Dreams

    The Labyrinth Of Dreams

    The labyrinth of dreams
    Twisting corridors—endless—
    Shadows stretch—whispers?
    No sense—nothing makes sense—
    Lost, lost—where am I?
    Which way? No way—
    Every turn—a dead end?
    No—just another path,
    Another dream—
    Or is it a nightmare?

    Walls shift—breathe—
    Do they breathe?
    Or is that my mind?
    No—something else—
    The labyrinth of dreams is alive—
    It waits—
    For what?
    For me?
    Or something worse?
    I can’t tell—
    Everything blends—
    Dreams, nightmares—
    They are the same dreadful illusions.

    Pieces fall—
    Lost dreams—forgotten dreams—
    Where do they go?
    Into the labyrinth—
    Lost—like me.
    For what?
    For an exit?
    There is no exit—
    Only more passages—
    More turns—
    More walls that shift,
    That trap.

    Is this the same hallway?
    Or a new one?
    I can’t tell—
    It’s all the same—
    Or is it?
    Nothing is real—
    Everything is real—
    The labyrinth of dreams never ends—
    Never ends—
    Where does it go?
    Lost in dreams—
    Dreams that aren’t mine—
    Or are they?

    Dreams… dreams…
    They unravel—
    Threads snap—
    Is this my mind?
    Or the maze?
    Who is dreaming?
    Am I?
    Or is the labyrinth dreaming of me?
    No way out—
    No way forward—
    Only the labyrinth—
    Only the dreams and the nightmares—
    Waking, sleeping—
    All the same here.
    In the labyrinth of dreams.
    A maze of my mind—
    A maze of other minds—
    It never ends—
    Twisting, turning—
    Into nothing. Into the abyss.

    Each step—
    But are they my sighs?
    Or someone else’s?
    Shadows whisper—
    But what do they whisper?
    I strain to hear—
    Yet only silence answers.
    The labyrinth of fear shifts—
    As if alive,
    Or alive with something—
    Something I can’t see.
    Familiar, yet foreign—
    Each corner, a new fear—
    Every turn, a deeper plunge
    Into the unknown,
    Into the endless maze.
    Lost forever…into the abyss of nothingness.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Infinite Darkness

    The Infinite Darkness

    The infinite darkness lay within each dream,
    Exquisitely bounding everything in the void,
    Fair enough to reveal secrets and arcana of realms that never existed,
    In the presence of the absolute silence of stars and luminaries.

    The infinite darkness betrayed dreams and nightmares,
    In their foolishness and ignorance,
    Like a tide rising from an unknown moonless sky,
    A silver and purple firmament whole of unlimited fantasies.

    Soundless clouds of dust and light were ignominious omens,
    Betraying delusional dreams and untamed emotions,
    Speculations of innocence and death similarly doomed wishes,
    Shrouded in the mist of uncertainty and regret.

    Blue glimmers of occult fantasies hid beneath illusionary visions of a blurred realm,
    Granted to infinite and limitless imaginations,
    Without questions or answers in the absurdity of the universe,
    Interruption of every beauty and sublimity.

    In the silence of stars’ eternal gleam,
    Shadowed longings of forgotten aspirations beckoned,
    Where phantoms of memories and forgotten desires entwined,
    Draped in the spectral light of a desolate eternity.

    Each whispered secrets with echoes of timeless despair,
    Lingering in the hollowed expanse of a cosmic night,
    Concealing the truth in a veil of endless stars,
    Crafting tales of sorrow, anguish, and eternal despair.

    Within the abyss of this boundless void,
    Ancient spirits weaved their silent magic tales,
    Bounded by threads of sadness and ephemeral delight,
    In the everlasting trance of the infinite dark.

    Unseen delights guided the ethereal blisses,
    Through realms where dreams and reality collided,
    Where every shadow held a promise and every light a lie,
    In the uncharted expanse of the deepest fears and desires.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Veil Of Perception

    The Veil Of Perception

    The veil of perception was shrouded by dark shadows,
    Deep in the abyss of the nothingness,
    Where whispers and sighs hid in their spasmodic secrecy.

    The veil of deception softly descended,
    Beyond the realms of sensibility,
    Where a universe of illusions and chimaeras lay.

    Ephemeral gleams of evanescence enlightened the labyrinth of dreams,
    A mist of melancholy and fleeting desires,
    Immortal light and darkness.

    The eternal mysteries glowed like luminaries flickering in the boundless expanse,
    Each star preserved untold tales,
    While silence concealed arcana.

    Enigmas shimmered in grace,
    Embracing the infinite darkness,
    Amidst the chaos of the cosmos.

    Veiled in shadows, perceptions trembled,
    In the abyss of whispered secrets,
    Where illusions and mirages melted in a myriad of fragments.

    Deception presided over the garden of beauty and bliss,
    Beyond the grasp of lucidity,
    Where dreams and reality blurred.

    Ephemeral sparks fleeted away from longings,
    Illuminated were the paths of uncertainty,
    Where light and darkness converged.

    Mysteries sparkled in graceful darkness,
    Embracing the enigmatic oblivion,
    Amidst the chaos of the void.

    Haunted truths remained elusive,
    Through the maze of obsession and despair,
    Silent spectres of uncertainty.

    The veil of perception cast a mystic spell,
    Drawing nightmares into its ethereal embrace,
    Where forgotten dreams lingered in the misty haze.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Agony Of Uncertainty

    The Agony Of Uncertainty

    The agony of uncertainty is my dwelling
    It was all I had written on a mirror
    A long sequence of characters
    Which I used to write
    And nothing further
    Forever and never
    I have been lost
    Striving to remember my name and my story
    Since I was born with a great devotion to art
    Such joy should be life
    Once everything has been forgotten with time

    The agony of uncertainty is a tree in the sea
    Where it is possible to be merry
    A moment has come to bear a perceived memory
    Like dreams repeatedly created and destroyed
    Each season and new year
    The time is past and never hides
    Torments are shortened by days and nights
    To avoid suffering and distress
    I might become pleased as I would pretend
    My past life never existed
    Becoming something imaginary

    The agony of uncertainty is a dark forest
    Where the wounds never disappear
    Only memories can unfold
    Looking onward and writing my dreams
    And all those unconcealed secrets
    That the soul keeps as the deepest memories
    The nightmares of the heart are lost in the dark
    The fate of dark stars is entwined in indifference
    The gloom of endless thoughts of sorrow
    Lost forever in a silent emptiness
    Which never dies

    The agony of uncertainty and pain
    Thereupon I move forward through the long desert of death
    Reaching more intention and joy
    My thoughts are made of fears
    Bleeding each time, I became wiser
    No hope was found in the devotion of love
    Instants of lust in the deepest silence
    Fretting about the decay of every bliss
    Dread should last forever in death
    When everything is lost
    The truth is the door of a new consciousness

    The agony of uncertainty and delight
    Always shining in an infinite reality
    My heart is truly sacred
    Beyond deception and mendacity
    Seeking the truth as an insight
    When no choice is granted
    The tears, like fright, lit the earth
    The grief within my soul is still alive
    I should not always be afraid
    Gifted with patience to keep
    My soul is bound to be naive.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

  • The Uncertainty Of A Lost Dream

    The Uncertainty Of A Lost Dream

    The Uncertainty Of A Lost Dream

    The uncertainty of a lost dream in the realm of the blankness
    In the most remote place of the imagination
    Where every soul gets lost in the labyrinth of the darkness
    When it seems that every hope vanished and every clarity had been erased
    The silence whispers all the secrets that hover in the ethereal
    Where the deception and the honesty blend together, creating a profanity of senses
    Confusion and bewilderment become the sweet refuge of the dejected souls
    Miserable is the foul frolic of the spirits that lost themselves in the maze of the stupor
    Like in an endless nightmare that might fade as soon as the hallucinations vanish away
    When the torpor ceases to feed every spirited soul, once the despair rules the realm of the imperceptible.
    Esther Elizabeth Racah

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