The Shunned Castle
In a deep hollow of sorrows, a shunned castle is the prey of its inevitable fate
In the haze, imperiously it emerges in all its majesty
Here the quiescence of thoughts and time finds its throne
The loud emptiness surrounds this spoiled alcove
A castle that can disclose ancient secrets and tragedies
A manor that finds refuge only in the depth of desolation
The same desolation which protects it against the evanescence
No metamorphosis can affect its enchantment
This neglected ruin hides behind a dark forest
It is a magnificent treasure chest
Nobody can catch a glimpse of its beauty and splendour
The moon is the only friend of this superb and antique dwelling
Some nights the bright moonlight penetrates through the shutters and slits
The moon rays stroke the inner magnificence of this shunned castle
The splendid furniture, paintings, and chandeliers
They wake up after an extended silent rest
And they shine in all their glory with unveiled allure and grace.
Esther Racah