The Stars Fall From The Firmament

The Stars Fall From The Firmament

The Stars Fall From The Firmament

The stars fall from the firmament in a whirling dance
I want to lose the capability to desire
I only want to dream of being set free from my passions
And wander away
Flying fairy
Like a butterfly in a garden of violets and lilies
I live a silent life made of poetry and books
I communicate with people through my poetry
The rest of the time, I am silent
My silence can say many things or absolute nothing
It depends on the sensibility of the others
I might appear a cold person because I am timid
I try to protect myself from men who have so much interest in me
Interest that I don’t reciprocate
It is challenging for me to have an enjoyable time outside
It is like I don’t have any right to take a simple walk
Being constantly bothered in the streets.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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