Time Has Slipped Away

Time Has Slipped Away

Time has slipped away as fast as pouring rain
In the dark and sunny sky
Emptiness and fragility are made in a storm
There’s sunshine on every side of your nest
The wind sings through the grass with warm trees
In snowstorms in winter, I have thrived
Time has slipped away as fast as pouring rain
As the world should have a chance to exist
The sun is bright, always more everywhere
Rocks of storms hit the morning as it changes
Not so far
Life was created before memories
A loss shall come into every dream
And nevermore were the birds singing
In a world that might be born again today
Time has slipped away as fast as pouring rain
Raindrops were similar to a breeze sweeping the leaves of summer
And when autumn will change its essence
The daytime might not be warm forever
It shall dwell, but not in this fate
That does only come to see night again
in a lost day when memories were born
Memories become shattered
whenever tears could have been spent on death,
Not enough before all happiness was lost
Even if I never had back my sorrows again
Time has slipped away as fast as pouring rain
Like an early spring day of the year
The time had disappeared
Whenever the wind and the clouds move toward my eyes
Every pointless fear is so far beyond me
My dreams can stand glum but cannot be seen or remembered again
Before I aim to be alive
Timeless visions are made of unperceivable illusions and phantasmagorias
Time has slipped away as fast as pouring rain
And remarkable beauty resides in true peace
Whilst a reckless creation is an obscure snare
Trying to climb on illusory and fierce mirrors
Which are sliding doors to deceitful opportunities.
Esther Elizabeth Racah

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