Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There

An imaginary picture as it would come from Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Through The Looking Glass And What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll: A Journey into the Depths of Wonderland’s Mirror Image 


“Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, published in 1871, is Lewis Carroll’s enchanting sequel to Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This blog post will delve into the wonderful world created by Carroll, exploring the themes, characters, and profound symbolism that have made this book a timeless classic. In “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, readers embark on a captivating journey alongside Alice, where reality becomes distorted, and logic is turned on its head. 

Narrative Structure Of Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Carroll’s narrative structure in “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There” differs from traditional storytelling. The book follows Alice as she steps through a mirror into an alternate reality, where everything appears reversed. This mirrored world presents a metaphorical reflection of the real world, allowing Carroll to explore themes of duality and perception. The narrative unfolds in a series of episodic encounters, each introducing new characters and challenges, ultimately leading Alice to her goal: becoming a queen.

Memorable Characters In Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Carroll’s imaginative cast of characters is one of the highlights of “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”. From the eccentric White Queen and the enigmatic White Knight to the mischievous Tweedledum and Tweedledee, each character possesses distinct traits that both delight and puzzle readers. Notably, the Red Queen’s famous statement, “It takes all the running you can do to keep in the same place,” captures the book’s underlying theme of progress and the struggle to maintain equilibrium.

Wordplay and Nonsense

Carroll’s mastery of wordplay and nonsense is fully displayed in “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”. The book is a treasure trove of linguistic creativity, from the playful banter between the characters to the famous “Jabberwocky” poem. Carroll invents words like “frabjous” and “borogoves,” challenging readers to embrace the joy of language and the limitless possibilities of the imagination. This whimsical wordplay adds to the book’s charm and invites readers to explore the boundaries of language.

Philosophical Themes In Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Beneath the surface of whimsy and fantasy, “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There” touches upon deeper philosophical themes. Through Alice’s encounters and riddles, Carroll explores the nature of identity, time, and reality. The concept of “jam yesterday and jam tomorrow but never jam today” reflects the human tendency to dwell on the past or future rather than embracing the present. Additionally, the concept of “looking-glass logic” challenges conventional reasoning and invites readers to question established norms. 

Social Commentary In Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There

Carroll’s book subtly incorporates social commentary, as was common in Victorian literature. The Red Queen’s relentless pursuit of power and the White Queen’s absent-mindedness can reflect societal flaws. Furthermore, the chessboard structure of the narrative can be interpreted as a metaphor for the hierarchical structure of Victorian society, with Alice’s journey symbolizing her navigation through the complexities of social expectations.

The Mirror as a Portal to the Unknown 

The looking-glass is a magical portal in “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, transporting Alice into a parallel universe where everything is reversed. Carroll’s use of the mirror symbolizes self-reflection and the exploration of alternate realities. As Alice steps through the mirror, she enters a world where logic and reality are twisted, challenging her perception of the world and inviting readers to question their own understanding of reality. The mirror becomes a metaphor for the human desire to escape the confines of everyday life and explore the realms of imagination and possibility.

The Chessboard Landscape: A Metaphor for Life’s Challenges

In “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, Alice finds herself in a world laid out like a giant chessboard. Each character represents a chess piece, and Alice must navigate the game to become a queen. This chess motif symbolizes the challenges and strategies of life. Alice’s encounters with various characters, such as the Red Queen and the White Queen, highlight the complexities of human interaction and the importance of adaptability and resilience in overcoming obstacles. The chessboard landscape becomes a reflection of the choices we make, the risks we take, and the growth we experience as we navigate the complexities of life.

Nonsensical Language and the Absurdity of Logic 

Carroll’s playful manipulation of language and logic is evident throughout the book. Alice encounters characters who engage her in nonsensical conversations, such as the Red Queen, Tweedledum, and Tweedledee. These encounters highlight the limitations of language and the absurdity of strict adherence to logical reasoning. Carroll challenges societal norms and invites readers to question the rigidity of conventional thinking, encouraging them to embrace the imaginative and the nonsensical. Through nonsensical language, Carroll emphasizes the importance of embracing ambiguity and embracing the beauty of the unknown.

Symbolism and Satire: Reflections of Victorian Society 

“Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There” is often seen as a commentary on Victorian society. Carroll satirizes the era’s strict rules and social hierarchies through the absurdities Alice encounters. The Red Queen’s constant demands for obedience and the White Queen’s inability to remember things symbolize the constraints and contradictions of Victorian society. Carroll’s use of humour and wit invites readers to question authority and embrace individuality, challenging the societal norms of the time. Through symbolism and satire, Carroll encourages readers to reflect on their own society and the ways in which societal expectations can limit individual freedom and expression.

Identity and Self-Discovery

As Alice navigates the whimsical world of “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, she undergoes a profound journey of self-discovery. Through encounters with various characters, she learns important life lessons and better understands herself. Alice’s determination, curiosity, and resilience in the face of adversity demonstrate her growth as a character. Carroll’s portrayal of Alice as a strong, independent young girl challenges traditional gender roles and empowers readers to embrace their own individuality. Through Alice’s journey, Carroll encourages readers to embrace self-discovery, question societal expectations, and forge their own paths in life.

Reflections on Time and Memory 

Carroll explores the concepts of time and memory in “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There”, further blurring the boundaries between reality and imagination. The White Queen’s inability to remember events that have not happened yet highlights the subjective nature of memory and the fluidity of time. Carroll invites readers to consider the relativity of time and the impact of memory on our perception of reality. This exploration prompts us to reflect on the fleeting nature of time and the importance of cherishing the present moment. Through the reflections on time and memory, Carroll encourages readers to live in the present, embrace the beauty of the fleeting moments, and appreciate the richness of the present experience.


“Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There” is a remarkable continuation of Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. Lewis Carroll’s imaginative storytelling, clever wordplay, and profound symbolism make this book a timeless classic. Through the mirror, Alice embarks on a journey that challenges her perception of reality, language, and societal norms. As readers delve into this enchanting world, they are invited to reflect on their own lives, question their understanding of reality, and embrace the whimsy and wonder that lie within us all. Through its themes of identity, perception, self-discovery, and the exploration of time and memory, “Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There” continues to captivate and inspire readers of all ages, reminding us of the power of imagination and the endless possibilities that lie beyond the looking-glass.

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