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Poetry is one of my passions. In my blog, I will publish poems which I wrote. Hence I opened a separate category for poetry.  

During the years, I’ve read Italian, English, American, and French poems because, during my childhood, I learned those three languages. Only recently, I started writing poetry which I never wanted to publish. I believe that it is very personal to publish them. 

Although I’m a physicist, I started to read poetry during high school, mainly in Italian and English. Only home I was reading French books. Indeed, the French language and literature were not in my school program.

Writing poetry is one of the most intimate ways to express feelings and moods. Time to time, I will publish poems. 

A vision of whispers of sorrow

Whispers Of Sorrow

Deceptions are like dark and misty illusions


Free Spirit

Free Spirit


Esther Racah
Good day! I am Elisabetta (writing under the pseudonym Esther Elizabeth Racah), an Italian literary blogger, writer, poet, and physicist. Upon achieving a PhD in Physics, my academic pursuits have revolved around the realm of Astroparticle Physics. Proficient in four languages—Italian, English, French, and Spanish—I hold a deep-seated passion for literature, poetry, and art. Furthermore, I have studied Ancient Greek, Latin, and Philosophy. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
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